Once again, in a rut. I promised myself that I would try to update this every few days and I feel like it's been forever! I think it's only been three days. Hmmm... Either way, today had the smell of fall- and Halloween. That smell that comes around every fall. I really can't explain it. I think that my boyfriend would say I'm smelling snow, but it's more than that. I really wish I could bottle the smell, I love it so much! I got to smell "fall" at 5am this morning, to take my parents to the airport for their annual trip to Hilton Head, South Carolina. They go for their wedding anniversary every year. I then proceeded to return home to my warm bed. Sadly, I didn't bead at all today. I got to record a
new song, and then I've been working in my art book all day.
Yes, I've been seduced by the awesomeness that is book altering. I promise I'll get back to beading soon! I don't think that I can go too long without it! I get an itch to bead and play with my shiny bits. Until then, I dabble in paint and markers and all things of book altering. The mind of an artist never rests.